Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Is There Tax On Used Trailers Ontario Should An Adult Child Living With Elderly Parents, Caring For Them, Paying NOTHING To Live There, Be Paid?

Should an adult child living with elderly parents, caring for them, paying NOTHING to live there, be paid? - is there tax on used trailers ontario

The widow of my brother and his two daughters live with our parents. He pays nothing for electricity bills, property taxes, etc. They have no mortgages. It is based on disability, food stamps and welfare of their daughters. Since you live there for free, with the exception of food with food stamps is not a contract? I think if I knew that would be the welfare state, he! Maybe not food stamps. Well, now he is tired and the parents are "more work than I thought and now think it's ok your phone and internet bills and gas car with the money my father paid, the latest atrocity is that we have found that the use of credit cards for our parents for their own use! He complained that "nobody will help you or him a break - theHe has a brother who said he was willing to take - it could move again and a supporter of your property - but he's talking with his hands in the dough, so to speak, and now you will not leave our parents, a doctor signed powers of attorney


foodieNY said...

Avocado! What is your brother's account of abuse. He manipulates his parents and what they are doing is fraud and is illegal. You should get a lawyer, and you have to follow to achieve this fall, the home of his parents and his name on anything and everything. Do not see what your options are.

jenelson... said...

A lawyer as soon as possible! Preferably someone who has specialized in family law. their only hope. If he used his hand to save the money, what your party, then it will be too late, and he left the care of parents, not their money

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