Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lip Piercing Canker Sores Whitish Sore Around Fresh Lip Piercing?

Whitish sore around fresh lip piercing? - lip piercing canker sores

I had just pierced my lip about 4 days. and until the recovery is better than expected on the inside of my mouth. but the road was somewhat painful to add. I find this strange.
if my regular cleaning about 4 times per day, is this: The warm sea salt with warm water and soap from time to time. 50/50 mouthwash and salt water hot. DAB-peroxide prevent time to time in the infield to ulcers.
Anyway ... So Yesterday saw a white ring small developing countries in the bottom half of the drill outside. I thought it was spoken, the "cradle" of things that everyone has. and was not with him. Me too, but not if he wipes his mouth is very sweet, so I wiped and noticed it was an open wound. such as cancer wounds, but also abroad. Ideas? Is this normal?


Emma! said...

FOUR TIMES !!!!!!!
that is the stimuli that are clean twice daily for 7 minutes. Do not use soap and water thats ****!! Goodle Care lip piercing. :)

Emma! said...

FOUR TIMES !!!!!!!
that is the stimuli that are clean twice daily for 7 minutes. Do not use soap and water thats ****!! Goodle Care lip piercing. :)

LB said...

Wow, that's too clean! You need good bacteria in the drill .. Call drilling will tell you what to do. It is likely to be infected. Do not take it out! Call them and they will tell you what to do. If you should only use salt are well absorbed. But not that you are often irritated!

nikkis89... said...

Mine is that a small wound from below
I asked a pro piercer what it was and told me he was infected and the use of hydrogen peroxide every day to help the infection, since it was after a week, and I 've.

Leanna89 said...

uh, probably just an infection, however, maintenance of cleanliness, as if he was bored, "he said. provided that the drilling is done professionally in? if it bad if you clean it, put some ointment A and D in the ... or call your piercer

ill_be_u... said...

Yes, it is likely to be infected or not healing. Clean and call your piercer. You have seen everything.

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